Saturday, May 17, 2008

Stab Caesar

All throughout history there has always been some one in charge. Some one who is thought to be better than all the rest. Some one who people, some times, honors, respects, and looks up to. The person is usually extremely confident and self righteous. And as a result they are often despised by a good number of people. But this person, in my opinion, is not necessary for a stable society. At all. People just need to pull their own heads out.
I think that the human brain has great potential, people just need to be willing to open it up and use it to their advantage. Are we really so uneducated and dependant that we need some one to be in charge of us even when we're old elders? I don't think we are.
Really, the only reason someone is in charge is because they see flaws in every one else that they think they can, and need to fix. And also that humans are always reaching forward with the top goal of prestige. And that's a harder thing to change. People only need another thing to be focused on. People should realise their full potential. And when every one does, they will realise how unnecessary it is to be trapped under one persons power.
But I doubt it's something that will ever change. Sadly.

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